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Over 2.5 Million Acres of Land on the Moon is Already Sold, FYI

But all is not lost. You can own an acre yourself, for about $30 plus taxes. 

Yes. You think we would spend all this time trying to crack a joke or what? Over 2,500,000 1-Acre Lunar Plots have already been sold, and you could buy an Acre yourself for about $30 plus taxes. Hang on, a VIP 10 Acre land parcel on the Moon can be your's at a super saver price of $142.75 as on date.

You can buy land on the Moon, Mars and Venus here. . .

What do I get when I buy land on the Moon?

When you buy land on the Moon (or Mars, or Venus), you get an Extraterrestrial Real Estate ownership pack with the following content;

Both the 1 Acre and the 10 Acre Packages consist of the Lunar Deeds, plus:

- The Lunar Site Map shows you where, on the lit side of the Moon, your property is located
- The Lunar Constitution and Bill of Rights which details the Lunar Laws, your rights, and of course, the all important laws of THE BIG CHEESE
- A transcript of the Declaration of Ownership. This is the document filed with the governments of the USA and Russia (then the USSR) along with the United Nations General Assembly in 1980 in which Dennis M. Hope first laid claim to the Moon
- A document with details of the Mineral Rights to your land
- Postage Paid Registration Card

Image: Contents of the Moon/ Mars/ Venus Ownership Package - Moon Estates
Is it er, Legit?

Dennis Hope, head of the Lunar Embassy Corporation, has already sold real estate on the moon and other planets to more than 3.7 million people. As his customer base grew, extra terrestrial real estate buyers wanted assurances that their property rights would be protected.

So Hope started his own government in 2004, which has a ratified constitution, a congress, a unit of currency—even a patent office. "We're now a fully realized sovereign nation," Dennis Hope claimed in 2009.

But according to Tanja Masson-Zwaan, president of the International Institute of Space Law, based in the Netherlands (quoting from her statement to Nat Geo in 2009) - "What Lunar Embassy [or Dennis Hope] is doing does not give people buying pieces of paper the right to ownership of the moon," 

The Lunar ownership controversy started in 1980, when Dennis Hope registered his claim to the moon with the United Nations. The UN didn't think it was necessary to answer his claim, so he figured his rights were secured.

The highest placed Moon related document, the international Moon Treaty, was finalised in 1979 and entered into force in 1984, forbids private ownership of extraterrestrial real estate. However, as of 2014 only 16 member states have ratified the agreement, and none of these are major space-faring nations.

Whether this treaty is the last word on the subject is disputed. The Wikipedia page on the document says that it is indeed, a failed treaty.

The Moon Treaty, had it been ratified, would have barred individuals from exploiting Space, the Moon and other celestial bodies for profit motives. 

But, of all the 185 or so member states of the UN only a handful states supported it. All others, including all space faring nations (USA, UK, China etc) refused to sign it. 

This is something that does not seem to be well known. The USA explicitly refused to sign it as it would inhibit the exploitation of Lunar and other celestial resources for profit by corporations and individuals. 

And then, there are close to 4 Million people out there who have bought extra terrestrial real estate already. Yes, the $30 an acre price is small but you cannot question the belief. Sample this old tweet about Dennis Hope and the Nat Geo story on him; 
Here is a short documentary by The New York Times, that looks at Dennis Hope, the Nevada man who has made a living "selling" plots of land on the moon [and a few other planets]

If you were to follow your common sense; with all that coverage from Nat Geo, NY Times et al, and with almost 4 million extra terrestrial real estate investors acquired over a time period of 30 years, if it was illegal, Dennis Hope would probably be in jail.

But how do you make money with your Lunar Real Estate Investment?

At IREFD, we reckon there's every opportunity, right from the more serious side of the human psyche … to the more fun side of human behavior. According to experts, there are spaceships to build, moon metals to mine, and energy resources to harness. Not to mention movies to make, low-gravity games to create, and advertising to sell. :)

IREFD Top 5 Crazy extra terrestrial real estate claims made by earthlings;

#5: Way back on June 15, 1936, A. Dean Lindsay made claims for all extraterrestrial objects and sent a letter to Pittsburgh Notary Public along with a deed and money for establishment of the property. The public sent offers to buy objects from him as well.

#4: Martin Juergens from Germany claims that the Moon has belonged to his family since July 15, 1756, when the Prussian king Frederick the Great presented it to his ancestor Aul Juergens as a symbolic gesture of gratitude for services rendered, and decreed that it should pass to the youngest born son.

#3: Adam Ismail, Mustafa Khalil and Abdullah al-Umari, all from Yemen, sued NASA for invading Mars. They claim that they "inherited the planet from our ancestors 3,000 years ago". They based their argument on mythologies of the Himyaritic and Sabaean civilizations that existed several thousand years B.C.

#2: Gregory W. Nemitz claimed ownership of Asteroid 433 Eros, on which NEAR Shoemaker landed in 2001. His company Orbital Development sent NASA a parking ticket for $20. We don't think NASA paid up though. :-D

#1: Rigley Pop emailed Dennis Hope in 1999 claiming ownership of the Sun, and asking for a charge of $30 million a year for all the energy put out for the planetary bodies that Hope owns! Hope handled that pretty well, he just replied, “We don’t want your energy, please turn it off.”


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