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Machine Gun Prototype Tested on Ruchi Realty Billboard - Kolkata

Active Acres - The advertisement billboard from Ruchi Realty
This is exactly how not to mount your billboard flex! 
That heading for this post is mostly untrue but it is written that way for a pretty good reason. If you have any questions, please refer to that picture above. We er, shot it this morning.

Punching holes in outdoor hoarding flexes is a pretty neat way to let the wind pass through and keep the large and expensive flex from tearing. Agreed. But then, why do you have that huge billboard advertising Active Acres anyway? You probably want to build a real estate brand.

But that is no way to build a great brand. It looks cheap, bad and cuts a very sorry figure. It tells the dude being driven by that there is something amiss about your basics. Ever heard of 'penny wise pound foolish'? And, no one can really read a darn word on that bullet riddled canvas. So essentially, you are paying a lot of money to do yourself harm!

We say, if you have to mount your flex this way, don't advertise at all. It would save you criticism that you deserve. If someone at Active Acres is not a passive listener, please have that changed. Thanks.

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