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Open and covered car parking spaces in Indian Residential Complexes. What works best?

covered car parking
Sample Covered Car Parking Drawing
You have found the flat/ apartment of your dreams in a project under construction. Everything looks just the way it should be. You also want to finalize on the car parking space that comes with the flat. Here are a few critical points to keep in mind:

1) Always go for a covered car parking space. We understand that you may have stretched your budget quite a bit to buy that flat of your choice but once you move in, you will realize that a covered car parking space is the best decision you have made. Take our word for it.

2) Insist on the allotment of your car parking space at the time of booking/ allotment of your flat. Do not go for the "we will do it on possession/ we will do a lottery among the buyers" talk that the developer gives you. Car parks should be allotted on a first come first served basis. Insist on getting your car parking number, duly marked on a drawing from the developer.

3) Choose a car parking space below the block where your flat is situated. If you are buying your flat in a project where you are one of the last few buyers, this could be difficult but tell the developer that the allotment of a preferential car parking space is critical to the sale.

4) Remember, car parking spaces look good on paper, but once the construction is complete, you may land up with a car park smaller than the others which may be inadequate for your large sized sedan. We have seen this happen many times. Get a commitment on the area of the parking space which is standard for the project or according to the local building rules. You may get words like 'One covered car parking space for a small/ medium sized vehicle' in the sale agreement. Ask for the area in black and white.

5) Get a knowledgeable friend to inspect the car parking drawing and the particular spot that you are being offered. Inspect the driveway leading in and out of it. Double check for a situation where another car park may be blocking the free ingress/ egress of your vehicle. (You can't really be knocking on your neighbour's door early morning just in case you need to drive your car out/ or in a midnight emergency)

6) If you are unsure, consult an architect who can look at the dimensions between the stilts and tell you how easy it will be to get your car in/ out of your designated space.

This is a critical tip for ensuring peace of mind when the project is ready and you are moving in. Your car parking space also affects your resale value in the future. Keep that in mind as well. We have seen people land up with covered car parking spaces which are fit for nothing bigger that an A segment hatchback! While they have paid as much as the dude who is backing up his SUV with ease into his spot. Be demanding when it comes to your car parking space in India. Because, no one but you is really concerned about that bit. And, its your money!

For more understanding on Open Car Parking spaces in Indian real estate, read our article by clicking this link.

If you need a specific tip, get in touch with us. Just leave a comment and we promise to write back!

About the author
Rahul Mishra is a real estate professional who started his life as a salesman, selling homes in the city of Kolkata since 2001. He worked pan India in real estate organisations like MMG Realty, Bengal Shrachi, The Phoenix Mills and The Space Group before helping co found Pillars with a single objective - To make real estate easy!

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  1. Is there a guideline on how many cars can be parked in allotted covered car parks? In our apartment, due to non-uniform spaces in stilt, some members seem lucky to park 2 cars in their single allotted parking space. Please clarify. Thanks in advance.

  2. If you look at the agreement for sale, there will be a description to the effect of '1 covered car parking space' or very close to that. Some people just get lucky and are able to squeeze in 2 cars into their space. Well, it is just good luck. If you were in their place, you would have done the same. There is no law against it as long as it is not obstructing any other car in any way!
    You see car parking spaces have a specified area. Each car park in the city you live in has a minimum dimension and square feet area norm laid down by the authorities. Find out what that is for your area. If you have received a parking space less than the minimum area recommended, speak to the developer. For your friends who have received more, we can get together and feel jealous! ;)

  3. Our is an old building and we have 2 car parking space as of now on regular charge basis and now building is going into redevelopment and it has been agreed between builder and society to share 50/50 car parking space out of the 50% which the society holds the society intends to sell it to the exsisting members like what builders do these days as per the law we are entitled to get a free parking space am i liable to pay up as an exsisting member of the society can i oppose it and how kindly advice

  4. Dear Himanshu. Lets look at this in a simple way. The society is made up of people like you residing in the apartment complex. Every decision or policy that the society makes is a collective one. The society is not a separate business entity.
    The redevelopment and the terms for the same would have been signed by all of you. Please go back to your society core team and find out exactly what they are talking about and more importantly, what they intend to do with the money they get from car park sales?
    It is really an internal matter I guess.

  5. Thankz Rahul for the info as per the core redevelopment commitee the money collected from the exsisting members who have to purchase the parking in the newly redeveloped building would be distributed for the welfare of the whole society means all those dont need a parking will get the benift from this money collected from us quite unfair i suppose is this legal to sell the parking to the exsisting members by the society and not the builder...kindly advice

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